A Pieced Together Note

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Pieces of a note have been pasted together here against a journal page.


Time is short. Too much to tell. Family
duty demands that I must pass west
before the window of opportunity closes.

Our day must be postponed, but I will
return as soon as may be. I love you
with all my being. Only wait for me
and our 'happy ending' shall be realized.

I have promised Bob that you will fulfill
my promise of 5,000 gp to deliver this
timely news.

In Love which transcends the sundering seas,


Below the note an annotation is provided in a flowing script.

This item's provenance is perhaps more interesting than its content. Reports indicate that a young aarakocran shaman found a scrap of paper in a pile of rubble at the base of some cliffs while exploring near his home. The scrap bore only a single rune -- unknown to him. He prayed to his Lord for advice; however, rather than being given an interpretation he was ordered to search out the associated bits of note. The remaining pieces were ultimately found in the nest of a seagull atop the cliffs. The Arch-Lich caused these fragments to then be delivered to our care without instruction or explanation. Our requests for further information have gone unheeded and the aarakocra is no where to be found.