Samiyah's Journal

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NOTE: This is OUT OF CHARACTER information. If you are a mortal: Unless you have held Samiyah's corpse and/or examined or the physical object she carries that is her journal, your character doesn't know this. (Immortals can choose to know what they know, however it is they know it.)

I have decided to start a journal, as I can sometimes be absent minded. My head is so full of songs, that it seems there is little room to remember things. Perhaps putting them to paper will help.

When I first left home, many were kind and gave their help. Aoide, Eathor, Ink and Faile provided me with many pieces of clothing to wear, and magic to help me on my way. The three of us spent many hours together, and their words of encouragement helped me to find my way in this very new and strange world. While I do not remember the days that they helped me... I will never forget their many deeds.
- Samiyah

07/24/10: Meeting Whistler

Today I met one of the most famous bards in the world, Whistler! He helped me with a Mobhunt, and I reached the fourth round with the help of he and Eathor. Eathor obtained a Lyrical for me, though I am not sure I understand what they do. He said that's okay, he is still learning about them as well. Following his directions, I took my first trip through the Vortex, going to Nydia. We traveled across the lake and down the river pathways to the Temple of Isiira, where he slew a mummy and obtained the Sustenance Lyrical for me to study. It was beyond my comprehension, however. Faile visited, and gave me much encouragement. She was very distracted, and I soon learned why. (Faile in a Fluster).

03/06/11: A Reminder To Watchfulness

I awoke as if from an enchanted slumber today. Much time had passed since my last waking. Many of my possessions were gone. I sought to regain my bearings and ran afoul of some heavily armored grubs and bugs with too many arms. I perished. Ink was kind enough to help me, travelling swiftly with Myst to the elven lands and regaining my things. While I rested in the temple, trying to regain my strength, Eldric gave me healing and blessings. Myst teased me about carrying too many useless things - but who is to know if they might be needed?! - but admitted that she had the same vice. IT was this day that I met Belsambar, and he was keenly interested in the bark that Faile gifted me with. He demanded to know its properties. Then he wanted to know about my dragonscale shirt. It made me uncomfortable, his persistence, and I finally had to ask him to leave me alone... yet still he persisted. Myst told me to be careful, as Belsambar can sometimes be 'creepy'. I had to agree. I went out to adventure for a while, and met Cremini when I stumbled into him fighting in the Delving. I gave him a spell and accidentally broke his mobmastery quests. I thought to pursue a location quest, and headed to the Living Lands. There, I was found by Zmandforkso, who attacked me! His spells tore at my very soul, disembowling me. With my last strength, I quaffed a shimmering elixir, which brought me to safety. I thanked him for the reminder to be more on my guard and told him I appreciated the lesson. Determined not to cower in the guild, I sought a MobHunt, which Swyth helped me with by registering. Alas, the sand-cats proved too strong for me, when I dared to creep into the deserts of my home.

Zmandforkso gossips (in common), 'whose stalking you samiyah'.
You gossip (in common), 'some guy named belsambar'.
Zmandforkso gossips (in common), 'wow his a stalker?'.
Swyth gossips (in common), 'I have a stalker at school'.
You gossip (in common), 'he totally kept asking me about my eq and i told him i didn't wanna tell him about it and he asked and asked'.
Fyrefrost gossips (in common), 'Such is the price of fame, beauty, and style, dear.'.
You gossip (in common), 'and was telling me stories about where it came frome and how all the magic in the mud goes through his hands and stuff'.
You gossip (in common), 'it was creepy'.
Zmandforkso gossips (in common), 'hahah'.
You gossip (in common), 'well, i'm not famous, beautyful or stylish, so i dunno what all that's about'.
Swyth gossips (in common), 'I think he just takes pride in being informative'.

12/16/11: Charity

A man named Tristram died many times today. I gave him most of my gold, so that he might purchase some clothing to wear.

12/17/11: Travel and Commerce

Today my journeys took me far and wide. I was tasked to kill a 'Rebel Trainee' and learned that it dwells in the Frontier Lands. It was a fearsome thing to travel the ocean, but I made it to the town of Braddlebury where the trainee is found. Alas, I could not find the key and met with failure. Though she did not know the answer as to where the key might be found, Miressa was kind enough to provide encouragement. Sayyida Bliss ran an auction of scores, and insisted that I speak Orc with her upon my winning an auction for a song that would teach me that language.

01/27/12: Lost in a Fog

Lexie greeted me today with an offer of some scrolls. Her kindness has been a bright light in Aoide's absence. We met in Midgaard, so that someone named Morphius would not put her in fetters. Sahib Lycron created an auction of some scores, and asked if I would need a Bard Review. It was kind of him to ask, but I know that I am a long away away from being ready. Jaerith Alandor of the Legion gifted me with a scroll out of the blue, which was very kind of him. (Though he spoke in the language of Ogres and I could not understand what he said.) I was outbid (by a great deal) for an auction on a restring voucher by Allanthon; may he use it in good health. I travelled to Sanguinna, and was swarmed by vampire bats that made me run away from the pain they caused. I found rest and continued my efforts, and there tried to find a Vampiress, as Kale advised me that was the best place to look. Sadly, the fog, angry men, and other vampires were too much for me and I had to retreat to the temples.

02/01/12: A Gift of Bliss

Uthmar showed me kindness today, making a large number of mushrooms for my travels. Lady Bliss was giving away restrings today, and I asked her to craft one for me. She sewed me a veil! (Though she said that she poked herself with the needle many times, and it took her a very long time to make.)

03/18/12: Questing

Today, the Sahib Tynian was running a quest. I was able to find several items and submit them.

04/01/12: Bartering with Bortex

I met Bortex the Battlemage today. We bartered back and forth - truly, it was like being at the souk market - and agreed that should he find scores or scrolls, that he would sell them to me. When he had more things to sell than I had gold, he very kindly lowered his price so I could afford them all. I was able to memorize a scroll and learned three scores!

04/04/12: Cresom's Kindness

When I awoke today, I found that my magic rings that Eathor gave me had disappeared. Cresom was very kind and retrieved them both. A thousand blessings upon his head. Bortex had some scrolls and scores for me to buy today. I think this is an agreement that will help me a great deal, as he seems to travel far and wide. Fayil, who I had never met, introduced himself with the offer of a scroll! I travelled back from Kharad Delving and met him in the guild. Sadly, when I tried to read it, the words melted from the page and I failed. Later, Bortex contacted me with more offers, but I had spent my gold on supplies. Upon hearing my balance, he gave them as gifts. He is a generous and kind man. That evening, Cresom and I spoke in his temple. He asked if I had considered giving worship to a god. I said that I had, from time to time, but that people from all sorts of followings had made veiled threats of harm, should I join anyone other than their group. I explained that I feared to make any such choice, else I would earn enemies just by doing so. He agreed that Bards seem to need help from all quarters to survive and succeed, and reminded me to check the pit as he often puts scores there. While we were speaking, something very strange happened. A gnome, who said he belonged to Boromir, staggered in and tried to steal Cresom's beer. He belched and then staggered out. It is hard to imagine an Immortal keeping such company! After it left, Lord Hutt allowed me to see his presence and I thanked him for the hospitality of his temple and followers. It seems that Tynian's quest is still ongoing, but there was little I could do to help Borlan build his tower. I wonder, though, how stable any tower can be, when it is build on the second floor of a building... and how the owner of the Grunting Boar will feel when it projects through the roof..


Not much to write about in my journal today. Bolaon was kind and offered help, but I could not tarry overlong.

05/19/12: Ghosts and Guides

When I went to the market and announced my interest in buying scrolls and scores today, Kylor of the Legion gave me two as a gift. Though he spoke in Dwarven, which I did not understand, it was kind of him to make the gift. Later, he asked me if I had a high level scroll of Improved Invis, but I do not, and gave him that reply. Seithr of Wisdom asked if I needed Identifies, but at that time, I had no need. The folk of Wisdom seem very kind. I asked him if he knew where a Mist Wolf was, but he had never seen one. No one else was able to guide me, so I failed that quest. Lord Lycron's office was invaded and some thieves stole some apples from him. I saw some, but did not realize the importance of them, and failed to gather them. I was tasked to find a 'young minotaur child' and explored both Mithas and War'loov's fortress, but could not find it. My friend, Bortex, had suggested both spots, but it seems this quarry is elsewhere. While travelling Mithas, I accidentally attacked the wrong ghost. Champas BladeBane was happy to teach me a lesson. I asked for help, and Kylor offered. After travelling to the temples, he cast Darkness and the ghost vanished. Later, as I was returning from Kuroth on a Mobhunt (I was later eliminated at round 3), it returned, and chased me half the length of the Great Western Road. This time, Troy of the Wyld Hunt assisted me. He also located a Lyrical, but it was held by a 'crazed pirate' and that seemed like a bad idea... I kept on about my business on the Mob Hunt. Moments later, he asked if anyone needed mushrooms, and as it seems I am always hungry, I met him at Took Hill at his request. He attempted to empty the bag, and lost all that he had in it. I felt badly for being an oblique cause to his losing other items. I spent a while wandering the world, looking for specific places. In some, I was successful. In the land of the dragonettes, however, their fierce little bursts of flame drove me away before I found the room I needed. My biggest trial now, other than finding scores and scrolls, is the Vortex. As I cannot become invisible, the Nightmares have tasted of my flesh many a time. More than once, I escaped its winds with barely a breath in my chest. I long for the day that I can be as stealthy as Eathor.

05/21/12: Kahaan's Unkindness

A day of unpleasantness. I was approached by one of Wisdom, named Kahaan. He asked if I had low level scrolls to sell. As I memorize all the low level scrolls I have, and retain only the higher level ones, I told him no. I explained that I, too, am always buying scrolls, and memorize all that I can. A short time after our talk, he died. I can only assume that it put him in a bad temper, for later, he offered to trade me a score for one of my scrolls. I again explained that I memorize all the low level scrolls I obtain.

KaHann tells you (in common), 'should have taken that deal i just sacced 3 scores'.
You tell KaHann (in common), 'that's very unkind of you to gloat.'.
KaHann tells you (in common), 'i offered a deal son..'.
You tell KaHann (in common), 'first, I'm a girl, not a boy. Second, I didn't have what you were seeking'.
KaHann tells you (in common), 'you have scrolls?'.
KaHann tells you (in common), 'i located them on you'.
You tell KaHann (in common), 'not low level ones'.
You tell KaHann (in common), 'you asked for low level. I memo all the low level ones I find'.

Lexie brightened the day by Mobhunt Registering, so I could continue my efforts after I was eliminated. Kahaan joined the hunt, and slew one of the smaller creatures. I was unsuccessful in finding another that I could reach, so I was eliminated and he qualifed for the second round. In frustration, I drank a potion to return to the guild, and wound up in an eagle's nest, where I was slain. Hungry and thirsty, I could not regain my strength to travel back. Teva and Lexie both offered to search for my belongings. Fortunately, I was able to just barely defeat a dog, and gain enough gold to buy some bread. I slept in the temple, then ran back to where I had died, recovering my belongings. Shaken, I decided to stay in the guild for a time. Kahaan resumed his taunting by selling scores on auction at a price far above my means. I did not take the bait, and simply sought my rest.

05/23/12: Spirits, 'Sayyida,' and Spite

Today took me to mines deep within the earth, where I sought to find a miner. Its protectors, some Dwarven Warriors and Shaman, where far too strong for me to prevail. I did succeed in slaying a bronze dragonette, and a spirit however. Late in the evening, I saw my friend, Aoide. The weight of the spirits seems to be heavy upon her. She spoke of death and dying and vengeance in a way that I have not heard from her before, and says that for something called Triat Mastery, she has forsaken the living. I told her of Kahaan's unkindness, and she counselled me to vengeance. When I demurred, she smiled and said perhaps she could someday be its instrument. I also spoke with Sayyaida DarkClaw, and she asked me to translate that title for her. We spoke a short time:

DarkClaw gossips, 'I've yet to ask, Samiyah, but curiosity can no longer wait. What does that term mean?'.
You gossip (in common), '"Honored Lady"'.
DarkClaw gossips, '*eyes widen in surprise, a frown crossing her lips* Though I thank you, I don't deserve such a title.'.
DarkClaw tells you, 'I strayed from my path long ago...leaving those who counted on me behind. There was nothing of honor in that.'.
You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'Forgive my disagreement - You are Immortal. That is all that matters.'.
DarkClaw tells you, '*smiles faintly* I suppose you are correct there. Some things cannot be undone, no matter how far we stray.'.
You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'Or how far we travel... yet still, there is always the path home.'.
DarkClaw tells you, 'Indeed. I've found it again...I only hope for forgiveness.'.

As she often does, Lexie offered to help me find some scores and scrolls. When she was busy, I asked Celeste of the Legion for help, but she was focused on another task. Hedschott of the Magi was too busy even to answer. So I went about my business. Plague was rampant in the Guild, and I caught the fever twice, myself. (Morgaine and Miressa were kind enough to provide cures.) When I was at the pit, looking for scores, a member of the Magi named Rydell also was struck with the fever. I called out to the world to ask for help, but he immediately departed the chamber. Lexie returned about that time, and told me of more places to find scores. One such place was the delving, so I travelled there immediately. Even as swiftly as I ran, someone else was there first. Corpses were piled high, all members of the guard. I wondered who else might seek the score, and saw that Kylor was there.

Kylor yells (in common), 'sac'd it'.
Kylor yells (in common), 'that's for getting me unfettered'.

You yell (in common), 'Why would you do that?'.
You yell (in common), 'And how did I do that?'.

I got no answer from Kylor, and sought audience with Lord Cecil. He did not answer, either, so I wrote him a missive. As I was writing, Natilena created a great battle and many of the mighty were drawn into it, fighting. Hedschott of the Magi was the winner. After the conflict was over, I sought my rest.

05/24/12: Kindness and Wisdom

No word from Lord Cecil as of yet as to the actions of Kylor. I am troubled by such unreasoned and unprovoked spite. He has been so kind in the past, it took me completely by surprise.

Vendetta of Wisdom was kind enough to locate some scores. One was far away on the North Sava River, but I was able to slay the dragonfly and obtain it. Another was in the Delving, which I also obtained. I accepted a few Mobmastery challenges, defeating the Minister of Craftsmen and a black raven. Orgrim of the Magi, I was told, had many scrolls, by friends who were trying to locate them. I approached him, and he sold me three. Memorizing them allowed me to level, and I requested a Bard Review. Natilena was kind enough to hear my song (Samiyah - Level 10 Bard Review) and gave it her approval. Afterwards, I travelled a bit and gained another level. It was a day of accomplishment.

05/25/12: Seeking the Librarian

Today my travels took me well around the world. I focused on mobhunts, and qualified for the second round in one. Alas, the third was beyond me. I switched over to location quests and completed four. My attempts at mobmastery were poor as well: with success at defeating a blue flame, failure with a mess steward, Barbegazi Secret Priest, deckhand and fireworm. Vendetta was very kind and gifted me with several scores, and also spent time locating them for me. Belsamber also helped with a few locates. Where 'a hunting falcon' is, few seem to know, but it has clung determinedly to a score for many days now. Miressa was kind and allowed me use of her Trading Post quill, so that I might slay a librarian to liberate the score she held. It was my first trip to the Trading Post, and the angry attack dogs enjoyed savoring my flesh - though I made a successful escape. Apparently, there are more librarians than thought... for the one in the Post did not have what I sought. Celeste of the Legion and I made a trade: some 25 mana boots for 5 scores to be delivered in the future, her word as bond. With the help of friends, I was able to memorize 9 scores today.

05/26/12: Demons and Discourtesy

Still no response from Lord Cecil. I admit a bit of disappointment. I had thought the behavior of his followers would at least merit an answer to my message.

Three mobmasteries today in total: A bald eagle, a white tailed buck, and a mummy. Portobello provided some guidance on where to find the eagle - all the way to the Frontier, on the Sava River. Additionally, he gave me two scores! When I auctioned a request to hire a bold adventurer to slay some creatures holding scores that were too big for me, Anduin declared that he 'sacs scores.' While travelling the world, I used the Vortex for speed and convenience one trip. There, I ran into what seemed like every Nightmare to be found. They chased me from place to place, their teeth nipping at me. I fled, and wound up in the Demon Realm. There, a shadow demon found me! I fled, straight into two succubae found me and attacked! I fled again, quaffing a potion, and somehow escaped. The two demonesses pursued me to the recall room. There, Kylor told me to go to the Temple Courtyard. I declined, not trusting him from his behavior a few days ago.

Kylor says (in common), 'who's party'.

You say (in common), 'Mine.'.

Kylor tells you (in common), 'come to tc'.

You tell Kylor (in common), 'No thank you.'.

Kylor tells you (in common), 'bastid'.
Kylor tells you (in common), 'oh wait'.

You tell Kylor (in common), 'I beg your pardon?'.

Kylor tells you (in common), 'that was a mistell'.
Kylor tells you (in common), 'I meant that for porto, he unfettered me'.

You tell Kylor (in common), bastid' implies male. I'm female.'.

Kylor tells you (in common), 'yeah... that was for porto'.

You say (in common), 'Kylor offered to help me.'.
You say (in common), 'but I do not trust him.'.

Portobello nods.
Portobello says (in common), 'i wouldn't'.

Portobello says (in common), 'fortunately for you he's bloo'.
Portobello says (in common), 'so he can't really kill/loot you'.

You say (in common), 'no, but he can express malice in other ways'.

Kylor says (in common), 'Nice major amulet'.

Bortex says (in common), 'this foe is beyond me'.

Samiyah nods, the movement causing her veil-charms to chime.

Bortex says (in common), 'but i would like to hear your harrowing tail'.

You sigh.
You say (in common), 'Greed.'.
You say (in common), 'I was travelling the vortex earlier'.

Bortex nods.

You say (in common), 'and made foes of several nightmares'.

You say (in common), 'Arya offered me a score'.
You say (in common), 'and said to meet her in the temple at Kuroth'.

Bortex nods.

You say (in common), 'I *knew* I had too many nightmares chasing me to make the trip safely'.
You say (in common), 'but I risked it anyway'.
You say (in common), 'and, in concert, they all decided to visit.'.
You say (in common), 'I had to flee, many times'.
You say (in common), 'and wound up in the Demon Realm.'.

Bortex whistles appreciatively.
Bortex says (in common), 'and how did you escape?'.

You say (in common), 'With great haste.'.
You giggle.

Bortex throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Kylor says (in common), 'No you're in trouble.'.
Kylor says (in common), 'now'.
Kylor says (in common), 'even'.

Bortex says (in common), 'i do not see it, do either of you know if the hunt code is still broken?'.

Kylor says (in common), 'Notice the demons have left?'.
Kylor says (in common), 'The hunt code is working as it should.'.

Bortex nods.
Bortex says (in common), 'oh okay'.

Kylor says (in common), 'Mobs no longer sit forever in safe rooms'.

Bortex says (in common), 'ohh'.

Kylor says (in common), 'they will return when you least expect it'.

Bortex nods.

You say (in common), 'I accept that risk.'.
You say (in common), 'Better than trusting you, Kylor.'.
You say (in common), 'I will take my chances with the demonesses.'.

Kylor says (in common), 'That is your choice.'.

Arya tells you (in elven), '2 scores here now'.

Kylor says (in common), 'Whether it is wise or not remains to be seen.'.

You tell Arya (in common), 'I cannot come. I have two demonesses on me.'.

Arya tells you (in elven), 'ok'.

You tell Arya (in common), 'I thank you for thinking of me though.'.

You shrug.
You say (in common), 'You have revealed your colors.'.
You say (in common), 'the nature of the demonesses is also known.'.

Kylor says (in common), 'as have you'.

You say (in common), 'You accused me falsely'.
You say (in common), 'and I have proven it to your god.'.

Kylor says (in common), 'It is evident in who you associate with'.

You say (in common), 'yes, Vendetta and Celeste and horrid people, apparently, as they are people I asked for aid as well that day.'.
You say (in common), 'Hedschott, I asked and gained no answer. Celeste was too busy. Lexie helped, in kindess.'.
You say (in common), 'what did you do? You destroyed that which I need to level, out of miserable spite.'.

Kylor says (in common), 'Yes as did your shaman friend'.

You say (in common), 'Because someone else, unrelated to me, unasked by me, did you an unkindness.'.
You say (in common), 'so speak with your forked tongue to someone else, Kylor.'.
You say (in common), 'For I have seen you for the snake.'.

Kylor says (in common), 'Yes well I see the value of one score as an equal to the value of an unfetter'.
Kylor says (in common), 'we're even'.

You say (in common), 'had I cast an unfetter upon you, perhaps'.
You say (in common), 'but I did not'.
You say (in common), 'nor did anyone else at my request'.
You say (in common), 'you blame me for Rydell's actions'.
You say (in common), 'when I had NOTHING to do with them and had never associated with him'.

Kylor says (in common), 'You did lie about his location.'.

You say (in common), 'I simply gossiped he had plague'.
You say (in common), 'I did NOT. He was where I said he was'.
You say (in common), 'and the log supplied to your god proves it'.
You say (in common), 'YOU were simply too slow to catch him there.'.

Kylor chuckles, evidently amused.
Kylor says (in common), 'I'd like to believe you.'.
Kylor says (in common), 'but alas'.

You say (in common), 'the log does not lie.'.
You shrug.

Kylor says (in common), 'It's too suspicious'.

Bortex says (in common), 'Bard, Mage, let us have a beer and talk of another battle '.
Bortex grins happily.
Bortex draws a cold, frosty beer for Kylor.
Bortex draws a cold, frosty beer for you.

Kylor downs a cold, frosty beer.
Bortex downs a cold, frosty beer.

You say (in common), 'There is a bird in the sky! A dog bit me! Ah, it is the bird's fault...'.
You say (in common), 'that is your logic.'.

Kylor says (in common), 'Fact is, one score isnt going to kill you, nor does it define me.'.

You say (in common), 'it revealed your spitefulness.'.

Kylor says (in common), 'Oh yes, I have spite.'.
Kylor says (in common), 'The duties I am assigned grow spite.'.
Kylor says (in common), 'that's the way it works'.

You say (in common), 'Go away, Kylor. Before I write a song about you.'.

Kylor says (in common), 'Write what you want.'.

Kylor shrugs.

Kylor says (in common), 'Fact is you seem awefully emotional over one score.'.

You say (in common), 'You are still talking. I am not certain why.'.
You ponder the question.

Kylor says (in common), 'spite'.

You say (in common), 'indeed.'.

Samiyah gets out a parchment and quill and pot of ink.

Kylor gasps in astonishment.

Samiyah hums softly as she thinks, tapping the quill on the paper.

Kylor shakes nervously.

Kylor says (in common), 'Tell me... where did someone so small get such nice items?'.
Kylor says (in common), 'No need to tell me... I already know.'.

When the song was completed, I performed it in the Kitchen for an audience of one. Later, I was chatting with Vendetta, and told her of the morning's events, and Kylor's destruction of the score. She was horrified, and offered to speak to Cecil on my behalf. I told her that I had already written to him, and told her of the song I wrote. She asked to hear it as well. To cheer me up, she went off to find some scores. Dun of the Magi also gifted me with a scroll. Dun offered to help me with the demonesses, but they did not show up, though we waited for quite some time. I was exhausted, and sought some rest.

The moment I awoke from my nap, Vendetta was giving me locations of scrolls and scores. I don't know what I would do without her generous help. I travelled to N'Kai for the second time, there defeating Lin-Tra, and obtaining a scroll he held. A friend of a friend mentioned to me that they had heard Khali sacrificing scores that Vendetta was locating. I decided to attempt a mobhunt, which Khali, another bard, also participated in. To my surprise, while I was in D'Nal N'Tor, she entered the area and began slaying myconids - our target. After a few were killed, she asked if I was exp'ing. I explained I was there to mobhunt. Usual ettiquette among bards is that whoever gets there first, is given the opportunity to pursue that quarry. Khali did not observe such courtesy, and began slaying the myconids. She was much stronger than I, and could slay them much faster. I moved to the farthest reaches of the caves, and kept trying my best. At one point, she entered the chamber and attacked the myconid I was already fighting. She struck the death-blow and obtained the mobhunt point. I was appalled at such rudeness. I was eliminated and she continued on in the quest.

Khali tells you (in common), 'Are you mob hunting or XPin?'.
You tell Khali (in common), 'mobhunting'.
Khali tells you (in common), 'Ok then I won't feel too too bad about being here :)'.
You tell Khali (in common), 'something tells me you wouldn't, either way'.
Khali tells you (in common), 'How can you say that, we don't even know each other.'.
You tell Khali (in common), 'Vendetta mentioned you were saccing scores and smirking earlier'.
Khali tells you (in common), 'Why would I ever sac a score?'.
You tell Khali (in common), 'one can only wonder.'.
Khali tells you (in common), 'vendetta is wrong'.
Khali tells you (in common), 'I memo scores'.
You tell Khali (in common), 'whatever.'.
Khali tells you (in common), 'So rather than get to know me you assume I am mean and believe vendetta...'.
You tell Khali (in common), 'well, your inteferance certainly bears that out.'.
Khali tells you (in common), 'even though its clearly ridiculous for a Bard to sac a score....'.
Khali tells you (in common), 'we are engaging in a mobhunt... we are supposed to compete...'.
Khali tells you (in common), 'If you were Xpin I was going to leave.'.
You tell Khali (in common), 'Please accept this as my formal request that you not speak to me any more.'.
Khali tells you (in common), 'So be it.'.

I told Vendetta of our conversation, and that Khali had said she was a liar. Vendetta is a passionate girl, and immediately began discussing it on gossip.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'khali im not a liar wtf u talking about'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'Sami said that you accused me of saccing scores. I simply said that wasnt true.'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'you didnt'.
Vendetta gossips (in common), 'some other legion did'.
Vendetta gossips (in common), 'jerk'.

Bolaon gossips (in common), 'i never did'.

You gossip (in common), 'ah, earlier, you mentioned her name.'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'some other legion jerk did'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'Why are you calling me names??'.

You gossip (in common), 'perhaps there was confusion. :)'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I did nothing...'.

Miressa gossips (in common), 'wasn't me!'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'not you'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I memo scores....'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'calling the score saccer a jerk'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'Yes well you can keep your hatred for that jerk away from me, I have done nothing.'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'I am simply mobhunting as I am required to do.'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'it wasnt directed to you, sorry'.

You gossip (in common), 'yes, bravely attacking the mobs that someone much smaller than she is, is already engaged with.'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I'm sorry if the competitive nature of the mobhunt bothers you Sami, I didn't code them.'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'I need the levels too hun.'.

You gossip (in common), 'it isn't the nature of the code that offends me.'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'bards should be brethren not enemies'.

You gossip (in common), 'and I am not, in any way, shape, or form, your 'hun..

Khali gossips (in common), 'I'm sorry I took your point.'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'but I am trying to level too and nobody ever told me I had to make way for you.'.

You gossip (in common), 'I commented on your bravery, Khali.'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'khali i wont help you anymore if you wont help your fellow bard'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'Ok let me make this clear.'.

Bolaon gossips (in common), 'But its mobhunt competition'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I am going to continue to mobhunt'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'not talking about that'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'if you decide to hate me for stop helping me'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'then by all means'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'are you saccing her scores'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'NO'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'I memo scores!'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'ok then'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I am also a bard!'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'thats all i need to know'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I offered Sami that I would leave the zone in fact'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'because I was trying to be nice'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'well be nicer damn'.
You gossip (in common), 'YOu asked if I was EXP'ing. When I said no, you did not leave.'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I asked her if she was XPin or mobhunting'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'she said mobhunting so I continued'.

You gossip (in common), 'You attacked the mob I was already engaged with.'.
You gossip (in common), 'and stole the point.'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'omg khali you fiend'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'actually I automatically killed them all'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'love and hate u'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'and the fact is the mob with the point was 7 mobs later'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'so tell the whole story'.

You gossip (in common), 'Which I was *ENGAGED WITH* prior to you entering the room'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I would have left if you were XPin, but mobhunt is a competition'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'khali, she is lesser level you suck'.
Vendetta gossips (in common), 'but i still heart u'.
Vendetta gossips (in common), 'but u suck'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'Ok then both of you can hate me'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'heh'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I need the points'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I am close to leveling'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'Aoide and Cicero did it to me when I was little'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'or not aoide so much'.
You gossip (in common), 'Hate is a waste of emotion. I don't hate you. I feel sorry that you are the way you are.'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'more cicero'.

Miressa gossips (in common), 'geeze, back in "the day" I've had people attack me during an AMMQ and steal the mob I was attacking'.

Vendetta tells you (in common), 'hehe'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'You feel sorry for me because I was engaging in competitive behavior during a competition'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'that's pathetic'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'I feel sorry for you'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'you are pathetic'.

You gossip (in common), '... that's not the traits I was referring to. :)'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'stop bashing her'.

Bolaon gossips (in common), 'umm i lost track of who was bashing who lol'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'well'.

Seithr gossips (in common), 'I'm bashing myself.'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'i forget but ill probably be one to get deleted'.

Miressa gossips (in common), 'Bash me, it's easy'.

Bolaon gossips (in common), 'lol'.

You gossip (in common), 'Well, Vendetta is calling Khali names, Khali is calling me names, I feel sorry for Khali's bad behavior, she's unrepentant in the name of competitive spor'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'delete me!'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'From now on Sami since you have prematurely hated me I will show you the nature of competitive behavior.'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'i hate telnet i hate it'.

You gossip (in common), 'And yet again: I haven't said I hate you. You've decided that all on your own.'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'you made it clear.'.

You gossip (in common), 'but truly, if you wish to continue to harass someone outside your PK range, please do.'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'I am not harassing you... I am mobhunting'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'love you sam in case im not here, dont hate you khali but you making me mad'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'mobhunting while someone else is mobhunting is harassment now?'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'is that in the FYI?'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'Someone better cmdlog me...'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'I didnt know, I swear...'.

You gossip (in common), 'Already done, actually.'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'hahah'.
Khali gossips (in common), 'what do you expect to gain from cmdlogging me?'.

You gossip (in common), 'one can never have too many records of behaviour.'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'Beyond gain... what do you THINK I have done that is illegal?'.

You gossip (in common), 'I'm done with this conversation. I've made my log. I've said my piece. Off gossip.'.

Khali gossips (in common), 'you did it just to record me mobhunting... well that's good, I'm sure the god+ team has nothing else to read'.

Bolaon gossips (in common), 'wow'.

[ 13] Vendetta: goods picking on UA

Sat May 26 17:00:02 2012
To: all
Why is a good follower picking on a UA?
Bard to bard even. Please.
I'm sick over this. Khali, stop picking on lower level bards

[ 14] Khali: mobhunts

Sat May 26 17:19:01 2012
To: all
I will continue to mobhunt to gain my levels regardless of who else is mobhunting.
I am sick of Vendetta and other members of wisdom bad mouthing the Legion.
Let's stop the good on good trash talk.

[ 15] Vendetta: this is about Samiyah

Sat May 26 17:37:22 2012
To: all
Khali, this is about what you did to a UA lower level bard.
so stuff it
mmm making me want those stuff bread things from somewhere. bah.

[ 16] Hutt: Enough

Sat May 26 17:57:47 2012
To: all
1. Where is the proof of the bad mouth/trash talking from my guys about Legion?
2. Maybe there is a moral reason behind Vendetta's note
3. I will personally talk to Cecil about the subject at hand, so from here on out drop the issue.
- Hutt, Philosopher of Wisdom.

P.S. I have personally witnessed Legion bashing Wisdom about our acts, so it is only "fair"
we get to do the same. Most of us are grown ups let's keep this bickering private. If you
can not come to a agreement on private channels post the notes to Cecil and me, I am sure
Cecil and myself can fix the problem.

05/27/12: Grumpiness and Ghosts

Upon awakening, Teva gifted me with a score! A location quest to the Thain's office was successful. 10 scores memorized and one scroll. Bortex has been very helpful, gathering many. Our financial arrangement is working out well - though I need to spend some time raising gold to ensure I have the funds to pay. Teva was doing battle with a variety of folks, and at one point, he walked in and handed me a bag. Fearing it was from one of his attacks, I immediately replied: You tell Teva (in common), 'I'd prefer not to receive the bags, if that's ok'. he had not yet returned to reclaim it, when Rincewind appeared in the room.

Rincewind laughs.
Rincewind Samiyah holding bags for evils, WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED!!!

You roll your eyes.
You say (in common), 'he handed it to me and walked away'.
You say (in common), 'You tell Teva (in common), 'I'd prefer not to receive the bags, if that's ok'.'.

Teva his not here.

You say (in common), 'Rincewind Samiyah holding bags for evils, WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED!!!'.

Rincewind looks at Teva.
Rincewind looks at Teva.
Rincewind looks at Teva.
You say (in common), 'You tell Teva (in common), 'I'd prefer not to receive the bags, if that's ok'.'.

You give bag made from secretary hide to Teva.

Rincewind give her the egg too.

You shake your head.

Teva drops bag made from secretary hide.
Teva drops an egg casing.
Teva sacrifices an egg casing to Isolas.
Teva sacrifices bag made from secretary hide to Isolas.

You say (in common), 'I didn't want the first bag'.

Rincewind laughs.
Rincewind pats Teva on his back.
Rincewind well done!

Teva patiently twiddles his thumbs.

Rincewind smiles happily.

Disgusted, I sought a nap. Sometimes, it's the only thing to make a day better. Upon awakening, I set out to continue my efforts. An attack dog fell to my weapon, and promptly spawned a ghost. While I was fighting it in the Temples, it fled, just as another ghost entered the room. I cast my spell, only to realize my mistake! The ghost of Teva's life-drain *** ANNIHILATES *** you! I fled for my very life. Two demonesses and the ghost of a Magi are now very, very angry with me... along, it seems, with half the Legion. This has not been a good week. :( Hoping another nap would make it better, I sought rest.

After my second nap (running about the world is hard and exhausting work!) I woke to find two members of the Wyld Hunt waiting for me. They had heard of my latest composition, and asked me to perform it for them. I gladly did so: A Song For Kylor. A young Magi was present named Violaine and also listened. Afterwards, Lore very kindly gave me a monetary gift, in appreciation of the song, as did Violaine and Portobello. It was well timed, as my gold reserves have been very low of late, and Bortex has had many scrolls and scores to sell. 14 more scores memorized!


You auction (in common), 'Seeking scores and scrolls! Happy to pay or trade if I can! :)'.

Drucilla gossips (in common), 'morgaine has a score she not giving it up i guess'.

Morgaine gossips (in dwarven), 'nope'.

Drucilla gossips (in common), 'hehe'.

Morgaine gossips (in common), 'nope'.

Morgaine gossips (in common), 'after hiding and watching samiyah trash a fellow legion for an audience of hunt'.

Drucilla gossips (in common), 'er what?'.

Morgaine gossips (in common), 'it is safe to say I will not be helping her at all, ever.'.

You gossip (in common), 'Your fellow legion falsely accused me of wrong doing, which I proved to your Immortal.'.
You gossip (in common), 'Yet, even with that proof, he continued his lies. I told him to stop talking to me. He refused.'.
You gossip (in common), 'I told him to leave me alone. He refused. I told him I would sing of his misdeeds if he did not.'.

Lore gossips (in common), 'gotta love them blues'.

You gossip (in common), 'He is much bigger than I. What weapon do I have, other than verse?'.

Lore gossips (in common), 'your just suppose to sit there and take it is what they are saying'.
Lore gossips (in common), 'because the new age guardians'.
Lore gossips (in common), 'be coming*'.

You gossip (in common), 'Keep the score, if you so choose. Distain helping one who has brought you no harm. Your choice. But know who and what you defend.'.

Drucilla gossips (in common), 'did they take score?'.

You gossip (in common), 'and I will publicly apologize if even a SINGLE word I sang was a lie. Sadly, I used only HIS OWN ACTIONS to condemn him.'.

Morgaine gossips (in common), 'I am not entertaining your discussion any further other than to say it inappropriate to insult the full range of her alternate characters.'.

You gossip (in common), 'I discussed only Kylor's actions. No one else's. And it was Kylor that brought the insult.'.
You gossip (in common), 'it was Kylor who sacced the scores, and lied about me.'.
You gossip (in common), 'and it was Kylor I sung of.'.
You gossip (in common), 'I know not of who else you may speak.'.

Drucilla gossips (in common), 'oh good thing i just typoed'.
Drucilla gossips (in common), 'was about to call him an asshole'.
Drucilla gossips (in common), 'oh er'.

You gossip (in common), 'Please don't cuss, Dru.'.

Lore gossips (in common), 'yes druc'.

Drucilla gossips (in common), 'sorry it slipped!'.

You tell Morgaine (in common), 'I'm afraid that it is he that has the char sep issue. After the first incident, he followed it with another by an alt.'.
You tell Morgaine (in common), 'and another, with a third.'.
You tell Morgaine (in common), 'You take up for your fellow legion. I respect that. Just know what you're defending. '.

05/28/12: Omnipotence of the Magi

Teva's ghost showed up again, and Teva himself showed it the omnipotence of the Nashite god, Isolas, sundering it. I slew an ice elemental for mob mastery, and gained a level! Four location quests done, today. Mish sold some scores, but another bard, Gheorghe, had greater funds than I, and was able to purchase them.

05/29/12: Apologies Extended

Still no response from Cecil. I reposted my note. Bortex had ten scores for me this morning! Thank goodness for Lore's generosity - I had just enough remaining to pay Bortex for the scores. Later, I had the opportunity to learn of some of the Greater Powers of the world: Of The Three and Of Nash

[ 22] Kylor: Legion policy.

Tue May 29 06:31:40 2012
To: samiyah
No, it is not the policy of the Legion to harass. If I misread the events then I apologize. You were info'd regularly consorting with evils and I know they have helped you greatly. This to me is a red flag and I perhaps prejudged you. I have no problem with you, but if you insist on associating regularly with evils and talking smack about me personally I will react to that.
Kylor Stern.

[ 26] Samiyah: Your apology

Tue May 29 18:23:46 2012
To: Kylor Cecil
Your apology is accepted.
As an _unaligned_ individual, I associate with everyone: Good, Bad, and indifferent. I do so, because members of every single following - and yes, Legion, too - have told me that so long as I do not choose a god, they will continue to help me. But once that choice is made, then the die is cast. Yes: I have gotten much help from people like Eathor and Lexie and Ink. I have also gotten much help from Drucilla, Bortex, Faile, Cresom, and many others. Made financial agreements with a variety of people - all in Good followings, for standing sales of scores and scrolls. This is part and parcel of being Unaligned. If associating with evils - and goods alike - will get me branded one who is a 'problem' - then what is the point of there being an 'unaligned' option?

You have given your apology. I will give mine: I should have tried clearing up the misunderstanding, rather than become angry and return fire with fire. I will sing my song no longer.

samiyah bint rasul

Teva gives you a spell score.

You say (in common), 'My thanks, mighty Teva'.
You say (in common), 'May your ghost not cross my doorstep... :)'.

Teva says (in common), 'welcome'.

You say (in common), 'a valuable score - blindness.'.

Teva says (in common), 'it a beast?'.

You giggle.
Samiyah nods, the movement causing her veil-charms to chime.
You say (in common), 'indeed it is.'.

Teva giggles.
Teva says (in common), 'probably more so than my self'.

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.
You say (in common), 'I imagine that fighting you would be just as terrifying.'.
You say (in common), 'may it never come to pass.'.

05/30/12 - Morning - Avoiding Me Like The Plague

Bortex tells you (in common), 'hi'.

You tell Bortex (in common), 'good morning!'.

Bortex tells you (in common), 'can you come to mish for scores?'.

Sores appear all over your body.
You feel very feverish.

You tell Bortex (in common), 'yes, but i have plague :('.

Bortex tells you (in common), 'stay back!'.

Bortex arrives from below.
Bortex leaves west.

You tell Bortex (in common), ':('.

Your fever increases.
Your disease maims yourself.

Bortex tells you (in common), 'do you know immune?'.

You tell Bortex (in common), 'I do not :('.

Bortex tells you (in common), 'what about do you have any cure disease stuff?'.

You tell Bortex (in common), 'I do not :( I used it on others last night'.

Bortex tells you (in common), 'can you survive it?'.

You tell Bortex (in common), 'I think so.'.

Bortex tells you (in common), 'can you use staves?'.

You tell Bortex (in common), 'I cannot'.

You gossip (in common), 'sleeping a bit'.

Bortex gossips (in common), 'k'.

You gossip (in common), 'i have 15 minutes before i have to leave for work :( was just checking in for notes...'.
You gossip (in common), 'how many scores do you have?'.

Bortex gossips (in common), 'oh okay'.

Bortex gossips (in common), '4'.

You wake and stand up.

> East
[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) The newsboy stands here selling newspapers.

> north
[Exits: north east south west down]

You drop 4000 gold coins.

> south
[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) The newsboy stands here selling newspapers.

You gossip (in common), 'i have dropped 4k in gold in the hall above mish'.

> west
Ceremonial Room
[Exits: east]

You gossip (in common), 'i am in Ceremonial :)'.

Bortex gossips (in common), 'okay im going to drop the scores at pit'.
Bortex gossips (in common), 'stay back! ;P'.

You gossip (in common), 'i will :P'.
You gossip (in common), 'tell me when it is safe to come to the pit :)'.

Bortex gossips (in common), 'ok go to above mish'.

> est
[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) The newsboy stands here selling newspapers.

> north
[Exits: north east south west down]
( 2) (Token magic) A skill score lies here.
(Token magic) (Humming) A spell score lies here.
(Token magic) A spell score lies here.

You hum a few bars to an improbable song, 'You're the chill touch that I want'.
You hum a few bars to an improbable song, 'thorasing in your footsteps'.
You hum a few bars to an improbable song, 'Hard to disarm'.
You hum a few bars to an improbable song, 'No acid blast way out'.

You gossip (in common), 'yay! wonderful, thank you'.

Bortex gossips (in common), 'no prob, i hope they are cure disease and immune ;P'.

You gossip (in common), 'sadly, no, but they are good ones none the less'.

Bortex gossips (in common), 'cool, have a good day *Bow*'.

You gossip (in common), 'thank you, you too!'.

05/30/12 - Evening - Knowledge is Power

Lexie gifted me with a score, and it was the last memorization I needed to advance a level! The Gods be praised; this has been a long road. Five location quests later, I gained another level!

06/01/12: Little To Report

4 Location Quests completed. Two attempts at mobmastery, both met with failure. (a shrimp and a shipwrecked castaway)

06/02/12: All That's Gold Doesn't Glitter

Belsambar very generously gifted me with ten thousand gold, when he saw me buying scores from others. We talked about my mob mastery target: a golden Dragonette. He said he would be willing to help clear the way for me. I travelled through the Vortex, my goal the South Continent, but was blinded and cast out of the swirling winds, unknowing of where I was (It turned out to be the Half-Elf Camp). It took quite some time to regain my sight and find my way to the home of Dhraxx. Belsambar and I wandered through the Valley, looking for my quarry. Sadly, a Storm Dragonette took its wrath out on me and I perished. Belsambar was not able to pick up my shell, so I tried to make my way back to the Valley, without a light or a boat. That was as pointless as trying to herd cats. I had to wait for daylight, and met him in Nydia. We travelled back and regained my few belongings, and he gifted me with another: an Amulet of Waterbreathing. He attempted to portal us back to the safety of the Guild, but had neglected to group me and I was left behind. He returned and brought us back safely. There, we bumped into Kylor, who made several nasty comments to Belsambar. Apparently, Kylor felt that Belsambar was doing bad things to stay active. Belsambar countered, saying he thought the plague Kylor attempted to infect him with had been a nice touch, saying, "very cute...not a very 'blue' tactic. But I expect nothing less of an Arcane." This conversation quickly became as vicious as two sand-cats fighting, so I left the room. Kylor attempted to draw me back into the conversation, so I asked him to please leave me alone and stop talking to me. His response was.. well... not very polite. I posted a note to his God, making note of the request.
The last item of note was that just before I sought my rest, Sayyida DarkClaw was restored to a DemiGoddess!
As of today, I have 33 mobmaster, 129 mobhunt, and 473 location quest points.

[ 21] Samiyah: Non-Communication request: Kylor

Sat Jun 2 13:21:24 2012
To: Immortal
Today, for the second time, I have asked Kylor to please stop talking to me.
His response was: Kylor tells you (in common), 'pffft whatever.'.

06/03/12: Turning Things Around

My last day's adventures were not very positive ones, so I was determined to accomplish something towards a level today. Alas, not a single score, scroll, mob mastery, or location quest that morning. :( I did have a fun conversation with Soloban about the Master's Tower, though.
Better luck in the evening: 15 Scores and 2 scrolls and three location quests! Portobello slapped me when I asked if I could pay him for the scores he gifted me with. I took it as a firm no.
I received a reply from Lord Cecil about my request to Kylor:

[ 22] Cecil: Communications with Samiyah

Sat Jun 2 22:21:57 2012
To: Kylor Samiyah Immortal
Please limit your communications with Samiyah to the very basics.
I want no unnecessary tells sent to her that could be perceived as
harassing or disturbing. Naturally she is expected to treat you with
the same courtesy.
- Lord Commander of the Legion

I am confused why any, even 'basic' communication is required, or why any would be 'necessary.' But the Will of the Gods is greater than my own, and I will not quest.
A location quest in Midgaard Graveyard...was successful, but I did not undertake the next, which would have sent me wandering the ocean.
Mish was selling a pink pearl, which I decided on a whim to purchase. While I was there to claim my bid, there was more chatter about Belsambar staying active via triggers, when not really aware and present. I scolded him a touch about doing so; he seems nice, and I would hate to see the wrath of the gods fall upon him. I travelled through the Ghost Town to the Forgotten Catacombs, in search of a specific place, and while I journeyed there, DarkClaw asked an odd question:
DarkClaw tells you, 'Is there a special way you prefer to be addressed? I'm out of practice with formalities.'.
You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'Sami or Samiyah both are welcome :)'.
I was so distracted, I fell into a drainage pipe and became trapped. Undeterred, I made my way back and found the chamber within the Catacombs. Next, I travelled to the Abby, where the fields are tended by contemplative Monks, and later still, to the Underground Lake of Utopia.
A Guardian Beast gave up the score it carried, but I found no scrolls today.

06/04/12: Travels, Travails and Questions

Location quests brought me to the Groundskeeper's House in Southern Midgaard, the Catacombs and the Abby. I thought to help Soloban with his mapping efforts of the lower portions of the Master's Tower, but one of the creatures there spawned a ghost that nearly killed me. Soloban very kindly helped with a well-timed Darkness spell, saving me from certain death.

Sayyida DarkClaw surprised me with a question:
DarkClaw tells you, 'Is there a special way you prefer to be addressed? I'm out of practice with formalities.'.
You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'Sami or Samiyah both are welcome :)'.
DarkClaw tells you, '*smile* Alright, thank you.'.

06/05/12: That really did HURT!

Aoide was kind enough to Register so I could mobhunt. My wanderings took me here and there, but when I travelled to the Blue Savannah, I learned that the Mother Mastodon is very protective, and assists those creatures who live in her territory -- even when THEY are the ones to aggressively attack!
You tell Aoide (in common), 'Female mastodons are not polite.'.
Aoide tells you (in common), 'oh my'.
Aoide tells you (in common), 'no, they are not'.
Aoide tells you (in common), 'did you live?'.
You tell Aoide (in common), 'I did.'.
Aoide tells you (in common), 'well congratulations, then'.
You tell Aoide (in common), 'I lived. I learned. That's what matters :)'.

Oddly, later Aoide asked the same question that Sayyida DarkClaw had the day before:
Aoide tells you (in common), 'what honorific would I give you?'.
Aoide tells you (in common), 'Sayyid Samiyah?'.
You tell Aoide (in common), 'Oh, no! Sayyida is "Honored Lady" -- for one who is highborn, or Immortal. I am simply.. Sami. :)'.

The Mastodon arrived, bloodlust in her eyes, stalking me to the Guild. Teva of the Magi was kind enough to attempt to slay it. When I tried to help, what meager means I could, it was revealed to be an unwise choice. Teva was forced to flee, and the Mastodon turned her rage on me. I fled throughout the temples, up one staircase and down another, finally making it back to safety. In the meantime, Teva had found it, and turned its wrath back to him.

The delay took up most of the time for the mobhunt, and I was eliminated, so I registered for another. With Aoide's kind advice, I was able to reach the third round. Unfortunately, on my way to the Outland Frontier, the Great White decided my flesh was toothsome, and I fled ever so very quickly, escaping barely with my life. My luck seemed to turn at that point, as my next trip through the vortex involved multiple Nightmares and extended periods of blindness, during which the Mobhunt ended and I was disqualified. While fighting, I was disarmed, and a Nightmare snatched up my weapon. Doc of the Magi was kind enough to retrieve it for me. Not only did he do so, but he brought back a score that was in a nightmare's grasp!

06/06/12: In Which I spend Much Time Fleeing and Wandering

A Location quest took me to the upper floors of Landru's Keep. There, when attempting to gain the keys held by the Captain, I found myself sorely outmatched. Not only did he trounce me thoroughly, but he disarmed me and a nearby golem snatched it up. Lore of the Hunt very kindly gave me a weapon to use until he could retrieve mine -- with Celeste of the Legion present, it was too dangerous to venture out. Drakar offered to help, but just then, the golem showed up. The two dispatched it readily and my weapon was obtained.
Other quests took me to the Treehouse, the Icy Plains, the Dessert Island, and Utopia. Another would have sent me to the Graveyard in Midgaard, but as I seemed to have drawn the attention of Zeo at that point, I felt discretion the better choice. Lore very kindly gifted me with a scroll, and I received scores from Aoide, Cresom, and Lore. Cresom began locating scores and going off to fight whatever horrible creature (far too difficult for me to undertake) had them, including a journey to the Dragon Turtle's lair.

You tell Cresom (in common), 'I don't want you to risk death!'.
Cresom tells you (in common), 'cackle if i didn't have to risk death i wouldn't do anything '.

I showed him the way to the Delving, which he knew of, but not by that name, and waited there for his return. Instead, he met me in the guild, and gave me the baby dragon turtle's corpse. Inside: A lyrical!! He very generously offered to keep an eye out for me for lyricals and scores and scrolls. He is a remarkably kind spirit.
Kylor began auctioning a bag of scrolls and scores, but refused bids from all of my friends who offered to buy it for me. This caused tempers to flare:
Belsambar auctions (in common), 'Will pay 100k to whoever kills the Arcane and gives the scrolls to Samiyah'.
Kylor auctions (in common), 'sorry but 30 scrolls is worth at least 80k'.
Belsambar auctions (in common), 'on that note, ok then...250k to whoever kills the arcane and gives the scrolls to Samiyah'.
Lore auctions (in common), 'and i have another 100k on top of what bels offered'.
Kylor gossips (in common), 'yeah but nobody can kill me.....'.
Belsambar gossips (in common), 'Challenge should go stand in TC and back that up'.
Lore says (in common), 'did he really go there'.
You ponder the question.
Samiyah nods, the movement causing her veil-charms to chime.
Daedalus says (in common), 'kylor has been killed 20 times'.
Belsambar says (in common), 'since 2009'.
Belsambar says (in common), 'that's more pk deaths per year than me'.

06/09/12 A Busy Night

Mutex sold me eight scrolls and three scores! A huge help towards earning my next Magic level. When Portobello saw the sale, he very generously gave me thirty thousand gold! As a thank you, I wrote a small Ode to a Mushroom and performed it in the kitchen.
Lexie attended the performance and afterwards, was attempting to convince the gods to allow a 'girls versus boys' fight in the Arena.

A Certain Someone

In an effort to have an evening of calm and pleasantness, Hedschott asked everyone to please NOT discuss a Certain Someone:
Hedschott gossips (in common), 'OK folks here's a request to all of you. Just don't mention a certain player we all DESPISE tonight?'. I couldn't help but ask for help with obtaining scores and scrolls:
You say (in common), 'it's perfect revenge against He Who Shall Not Be Named'.

Hedschott says (in common), 'shhh'.
Hedschott says (in common), 'cmon'.

Shilea snickers softly.

You say (in common), 'since he's been taunting me with bags of scrolls and saccing scores.'.

Hedschott says (in common), 'SAMI'.
Hedschott slaps you across the face leaving a distinct stinging sensation.
Hedschott says (in common), 'STOP IT!'.

Samiyah claps her hands over her mouth.

Talking to the Wyldess

Katrana appeared, and I performed the Ode to a Mushroom for her and Lore. Lore very generously gave me a patron-gift of seven thousand gold!

Katrana says, 'Are you finding your way through the realm young one?'.

You say (in common), 'I am, and I have to say that your Hunt has given me a great deal of help.'.
You say (in common), 'As has some of Wisdom's people.'.

Katrana says, 'Excellent.'.

You say (in common), 'For which, I am often scolded by the Legion.'.

Katrana raises an eyebrow.

You say (in common), '"How dare you associate with those people who are helping you!"'.

Katrana sighs loudly.
Katrana says, 'Those people. I had an excellent conversation with a few of them.'.
Katrana says, 'They are upset at how some of their own act.'.

You say (in common), 'That is encouraging to hear.'.

Katrana nods.
Katrana says, 'They do not have...patience to look at the other faiths in the realm.'.

You say (in common), '... they remind me of the shaman of my home.'.

Katrana raises an eyebrow.

You say (in common), '"There is but one Way."'.
You say (in common), '"Obey or perish."'.

Katrana says, 'While I enjoy Threads being cut...what they do is nothing short of prejudice.'.
Katrana says, 'Cut Threads without restraint or bias'.

Or, In Other Topics...

Hedschott gossips (in common), 'zz way for everyone to get quiet when i ask for nobody to talk about a certain despicable person'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'omg im talking then i kill u'.

You gossip (in common), 'I can talk long and loudly about the marriage rituals or the marks-of-ownership for goats of the desert people (often confused for each other)'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'goats mmm'.

You gossip (in common), 'Did you know that three triangular marks on the left ear of a goat means that it is owned by Jubal of the Northern Waste?'.
You gossip (in common), 'But three triangular marks in the left ear of a woman, means that she is barren and unworthy to take as a wife?'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'wow'.

Hedschott gossips (in common), '....'.

You gossip (in common), 'these are important distinctions in the desert people.'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'i have both...'.

Hedschott gossips (in common), 'that’s...disturbing'.

You gossip (in common), 'The desert is not a kind place. To women or goats. '.

Hedschott's Contest

Bored with talk of goats, Hedschott sponsored a contest to gather ideas for his next restring. I suggested many, as did Lexie and Katrana.

Hedschott gossips (in common), ' have impressed me with your viciousness!'.
Hedschott gossips (in common), 'so far Samiyah has given me the best options'.
Hedschott gossips (in common), <wielded off-hand> (Moderate magic) a cold steel fleshette, dripping blood'.'.

The contest got a bit side-tracked into a discussion of an author named Tolkien, and Hedschott proclaimed himself to be a master of all things Silmarilion-trivia-based.
I kept up a steady flow of ideas:

Hedschott tells you (in common), 'yer such a tryHard :('.
You tell Hedschott (in common), 'you're right I'm gonna try hard to win! Are you kidding? 100K? I have to *buy* most of the scores and scrolls I get :('.
You tell Hedschott (in common), 'Being unaligned as a bard is practically required, and many goods require payment for help :('.
Hedschott tells you (in common), 'most goods have no conscience then'.
Hedschott tells you (in common), 'gold is super easy for us big ppl to earn as you damn well know :)'.

You tell Hedschott (in common), '<wielded off-hand> (Moderate magic) Vehementi, the Accusation of the Inquisitor'.

Hedschott gives you 100000 gold.
Hedschott says (in common), 'between all the ideas'.
Hedschott says (in common), 'there is a winner in there'.

You gossip (in common), 'It got quiet again. Do folks wish to know more about goat herding, then?'.

> lq start
165 experience points have been deducted.
Samiyah: Find by: 2012-06-09 21:54:15. Value: 11. Phrase:
dicated to sacrifices - self sacrifice to keep the
heart pure and ritual sacrifice of prisoners to app

You gossip (in common), 'Okay, Hedschott, you have apparently affected my location quests with your weapon challenge'.
You gossip (in common), 'now I am getting quests involving ritual sacrifice of prisoners.'.
You gossip (in common), 'and I don't think I really WANT to know where that is!'.

Since the location quest seemed like a bad idea, I started my first solo scavenger hunt. I found 4 items, and scored 8 points!

06/10/12: Marilyn is Not A Pushover!

A score in the pit was followed by a score in Harper's Landing on a foreman. While Marilyn may *seem* like a good match... she is surprisingly fierce and sent me running for safety... as did the cat burglar when I sought to obtain what he had slipped from my pockets.

06/12/12: The Value of a Free Market

Mutex had thirteen scores and four scrolls to sell me today! Bortex had some too, but said he was in a 'secret location' and couldn't come to guild or let me meet him anywhere.
Later in the day, Mutex had another six scores! Aoide's gift of a spellbook that casts invisibility was very helpful; I used it to negotiate the vortex and into a few other dangerous spots. Her kindness is appreciated.

06/20/12: Much to Learn

Five scores this evening - some bought from Bortex (how I praise the day we came to our arrangement!) and some located by MikGub which I was able to track down by myself. She tried to help me find one in Og, but we were unsuccessful in locating the creature that had it. Bael had a scroll to sell, but it was more challenging than I could understand. MikGub asked me to come to the guild for a gift: she gave me the corpse of a vampire bat and inside was a Lyrical! The Effacious Lyrical "reinforced and strengthened" my lines of power, whatever that means! MikGub then offered to locate scrolls for me, but since I have so many, I had to slip away for her locate spell to be effective. once I was gone, she found several. Mutex showed up again with many scrolls to sell, and I was able to memorize seven.

06/21/12: Plague and Prayers, Shilea and Scrolls

While I was festering with disease, trying to sleep away my fever, Rain brought me a score and slipped it into my pocket. Trilian told me of some scores in the pit, and I quickly obtained them (Refresh and Haunt). Eldric was kind enough to do Locates on scrolls for me, but most of the target were far beyond my abilities: a Fire Elemental and a Sahuagin Guardian.

You auction (in common), 'Wanted! Risk-taking shaman for adventure in the Volcano!'.
Shilea tells you (in common), 'whats it got'.
You tell Shilea (in common), 'Scroll - fire elemental'.
Shilea tells you (in common), 'ahh nifty'.

Cremini tells you (in common), 'pick me!'.
You tell Cremini (in common), '*giggle* Do you REALLY feel like going to the Volcano and fighting fire elementals?'.
Cremini tells you (in common), 'and sure, why not? since my recent death, I have nothing to lose..literaaly'.
You tell Cremini (in common), 'oh... ouch!'.

I asked Padrone for some help, being mindful to broaden my interactions to include those of the Legion, but he ignored my question. I then asked Miki if he had interest in grouping, he they said yes!

While Miki and I were out and about, Shilea pressed me as to why I had asked for a shaman. I explained that I thought the Fire Elementals would area spell, and she assured me they do not.
Shilea tells you (in common), 'ask for a mage and perhaps I'll help'.
You tell Shilea (in common), 'Great and mighty Shilea, would you be willing to go to the Volcano?'.
Shilea tells you (in common), 'sure'.

She told me to meet her at Took, and gave me the scroll. At that point, Mish began selling scores at a ridiculously high price: 4,000 gold each!!

Miki and I headed off to Wintermeet. There we found Trilian, who was working on smaller animals in the valley. He cloaked us both and we set out. We did well at first, and then a young centaur made us both flee. Despite never having been to Wintermeet, I was able to make my way to the safe room using Soloban's maps. When I arrived there, Miki was a hair's width from death, standing only by an act of will. It had been a very close call. We travelled together for a while, and then he had to go. I returned to the guild, where Bortex had four scores waiting to sell to me. Angered by his commerce, Mish began selling scores again, too, at the same inflated prices as earlier. One was too good to pass up: backstab. Baric bought another for me as a gift! He then asked if I'd like to group, and I readily agreed: We travelled to a few different places, and did quite well. (I was able to level my combat class, and Baric leveled as well, shortly after I did.)

I overheard Aoide speaking of some fears of death; apparently she was travelling in the Circus, working on the tasks of her Triat Mastery quest.

### [Somewhere, Aoide gropes around in the dark to comfort someone]
### [Aoide says (in common), 'I'm going to cry']
You tell Aoide (in common), 'please don't cry!'.
You tell Aoide (in common), 'what's wrong?'.
Aoide tells you (in common), 'scared'.
You tell Aoide (in common), 'What are you afraid of?'.
Someone tells you (in common), 'my apologies Sami. I am a bit preoccupied. I am afraid of death, currently.'.
You tell someone (in common), 'I will light incense and pray to the Mighty Ones for your safe return from danger'.
Someone tells you (in common), 'I appreciate it, thank you'.
Someone tells you (in common), 'and hope they are Mighty indeed'.

Samiyah gets a long stick of incense from a saddlebag.
Samiyah holds the incense in her hand, lighting it from the warm fire.
Samiyah murmurs a prayer in her mother-tongue.
Samiyah entreats the gods for blessings and safety for her friend.
Samiyah passes a hand through the incense smoke and murmurs, 'May she be unseen as this smoke.'
Samiyah passes a hand through the incense smoke and murmurs, 'May their weapons find no purchase upon her.'

You tell Aoide (in common), 'I am glad that you did not perish. '.
You tell Aoide (in common), 'perhaps both our prayers were heard'.
Aoide tells you (in common), 'yes, thank you'.

Later in the evening, Aoide gave me a great gift: a Sustenance Lyrical, which allows me to go without needing food or water.

Samiyah smiles brightly at Aoide.
You say (in common), 'you have been so kind to me'.
Aoide says (in common), 'as others were to me'.
Aoide says (in common), 'it is my duty to pass on the wisdom and aid'.
Samiyah impetuously reaches over and hugs you warmly.
Aoide looks surprised.
Aoide gingerly touches your shoulder.
Aoide says (in common), 'thank you'.
You smile happily.

06/22/12: The Hunt Continues

With Vendetta's help by registering, I mobhunted today. I was able to slay Terrance (though he put up quite a fight) and the ghost of a wealthy merchant, to advance to round 2. Sadly, I was eliminated in the next round.

Ink and Trilian both gifted me with score, and Bortex sold me three. I bought two scrolls from Marim and memorized them both. Wadworth invited me to group with him, even when I admitted that a Ghostly Woroning wasn't very happy with me (from my earlier mobhunt efforts).

Someone named Abe visited this evening and everyone was quite excited about it. I developed plague and MikGub helped heal me through it. (Someone named Tagnik accused her of being a show off for doing so.) Ink teased me unmercifully about learning Rescue, commenting on how my Bardly might would come to people's aid.

Late that night, I asked Katrana's permission to enter her temple and sing A Song For Aoide. It was received well, which made me very happy.

06/23/12: Prizes Won and the Gifts of Friends

Someone was kind enough to leave a score in the pit, which was a lovely way to start off the day. It quickly got even better: I had been corresponding with Natilena and Bliss about receiving the prize that had been promised for writing Bliss' office and pet, and Lycron presented me with what Natilena had prepared! It was very generous and well-thought out, including a restring credit - which I immediately put to use, Lycron being kind enough to craft it for me!! I now have a necklace that matches the one my mother gave me for my tenth natal day. I wrote Natilena a note of thanks for her thoughtfulness.

I bumped into Shilea, and based on our prior conversations (in which she teased me unmercifully), I asked her very carefully:

You say (in common), 'Would you, at the current time, and with singular purpose and intent, please Improve Id Mark an item for me and return it to me as soon as you are done?'.
Samiyah stiffles a giggle.
Shilea falls down laughing.
Shilea says (in common), 'yes'.
You give a braided twig ring to Shilea.
Shilea utters the words, 'uwsfazze uoculoihuyl'.
Shilea gasps in astonishment.
Shilea gives you a braided twig ring.
You say (in common), 'WOOT!!!'.

Other duties called me, but when I returned, Ink had a gift for me!

You study the Materialistic Lyrical to glean its secrets...
You feel less charitable.
You say (in common), 'I feel less charitable?'.

Ink grins evilly.

You blink.

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'You don't know what that one does?'.

You say (in common), 'that doesn't sound good..'.
You say (in common), 'nooooo...?'.

Ink snickers softly.

You say (in common), 'I don't know what any lyrical does'.

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'it improves your rescue? :P'.
Ink falls down laughing at himself.

You say (in common), 'well, that's good!'.

Ink snickers softly.

Samiyah rescues you!

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'Materialistic makes it so the next time you die you keep your worn eq on your body'.

Samiyah is now guarding you.

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'all that is left in your corpse on the ground is your inventory'.
You say (in common), 'oooooh'.

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'including PKs and mobdeaths'.

You say (in common), 'that's .. um... reallyreally nice'.

Ink nods. 

You thank Ink heartily.

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'it is really nice'. 

You shake your head.
You say (in common), 'reallyreally'.

I have six lyricals studied right now! He gave me another one later in the evening (Undisturbingly) which I had already studied - but I studied it again, just in case that helps. Ink also gave me a score, as did AnarchyX. Montyhaul did some locates for me, completely out of the blue and without being asked!

06/24/12: The Loss of Important Things, and the Value of the Sworn Word

Scores in the pit are such a nice way to start the day! Though when I leared this one, I found it a bit ... confusing. It was ALMOST as odd as the conversation I had with Teva!

Teva wiggles its bottom toward you.

You smile at it.
You say (in common), 'Hello, Teva'.
You say (in common), 'you seem to have misplaced something important'.

Teva says (in common), 'me?'.

Samiyah nods, the movement causing her veil-charms to chime.

Teva ponders what you are talking about.

Samiyah glances down in the general direction of your hips.

Teva says (in common), 'my fanny?'. 

You say (in common), 'you are currently an 'it.

Teva says (in common), 'ah'.
Teva says (in common), 'ya'.
Teva says (in common), 'its what happens when your weapon hits kylor, body parts start decomposing'.

You shudder from the sheer thought of it.

Teva nods.

He then gifted me with a Crest of Cormac. Given that we had just been discussing him slaying Kylor, I asked if it was from the kill. He assured me that it was one he had traded with Korran for, and had no blood-taint. I was honored to wear it. :) Speaking of Korran - he let me know he'd found a score, and stored it in the pit for me until such time as I could return to the Guild. I was on MobMastery, and my target was Dal-Kroth, one of the shamans of N'Kai. They are very scandalous, those shaman, as they go about with no clothing, even in the cold winds of the Caverns. I was also able to defeat the Chief Engineer of Barbagazi Settlement. Twelve times I was successful in reaching the room I set out to find.

Bortex showed up, and I asked if he wanted to group and gain some EXP.
You say (in common), 'want to grab some exp?'.

Samiyah looks at you curiously, raising one eyebrow.

Bortex says (in common), 'tirpitz will eat us'.

You say (in common), 'is he likely to attack?'.

Bortex says (in common), 'i dunno honestly but maybe'.

You tell Tirpitz (in common), 'Hi there. I don't know you at all, so I thought I would ask: Are you a PK'er?'.

Tirpitz tells you (in common), 'yes'.

You tell Tirpitz (in common), 'Ohdear.'.
You tell Tirpitz (in common), 'Thank you for your honesty :)'.
You tell Tirpitz (in common), 'Do you like to kill bards?'.

Tirpitz tells you (in common), 'it depends on my mood'.
Tirpitz tells you (in common), 'and how drunk i am'.

You tell Tirpitz (in common), 'Are you in a BKM? (Bard-Killing Mood)'.

Tirpitz tells you (in common), 'not currently'.

You tell Tirpitz (in common), 'I must confess that this makes me happy to hear. :)'.

I also had an interesting series of conversations with Zephyr, who I had been talking to about various pieces of equipment. He had offered to help me to obtain a container that is worn with pride - he wears one, himself - though many knowledgeable friends had assured me that they no longer exist. I was hesitant to group with him and place that trust in him, given their absolute certainty that the object was only of the past. I asked Sayyida DarkClaw if her followers were bound by their word, and we chatted about that for a time. When she confirmed that he was NOT bound by his sworn word, I declined to travel with Zephyr, though intending no discourtesy, and Sayyida DarkClaw posted a note to her followers about the topic of trust.

Padrone sold me a score (Dispel Good) and Selune had some scrolls. I looked through my bag of scrolls to see if any that were previously beyond my ability to master were learnable. One, I was able to learn, but I stuttered in the recitation on another, and it disappeared, unlearned.

Earlier, I had lost a valuable ring to an acid-breathing White Dog. I was told that Cremick of Wintermeet had it. I asked Celeste if she would be willing to slay it, and if so, I would consider her debt of scores to be paid (I had given her a +25 mana item a while back, in exchange for her oath to pay for it with 5 scores). She agreed: as it turned out, however, Cremick was not the one with the ring. Celeste did know who had the ring: Eltsan, in the Plantation. Teva offered to take me there, and kindly recovered the ring from Hemet, the merchant's liason. (It's VERY pretty)

06/25/12: Tempest Winds

A tall, dark stranger gave me a mighty gift today: a talisman bearing the barely contained winds of a great storm. I hope to bear it with honor.
Uthmar of the Nexus was kind enough to do locates for scores, but alas, his news was not good: D'Spayre is still clinging to a score. :(
The Ghost of Borlan prevented me from picking the lock on the west gate, but, as with most things, time was the cure. I was glad I looked more closely at the spirit before taking rash action.
A travelling quest took me to the Aara City, to an area I have been told is very dangerous. I went there with great trepidation, seeking to find the right chamber. Alas, a stalwart guard aggressively attacked me the moment I stepped foot into the general area. I fled many times, but he was too quick for me, and soon, my conciousness fled. The Materialistic Lyrical kept my bodily possessions intact, but my other things remained in my still form. Avoozl very quickly agreed to help, and swiftly did so. Not only did he retrieve my corpse, but gave me a number of scrolls as well! I wrote a quick little poem in thanks, reciting it for him in the kitchen.
Having some inventory challenges, I asked Drakar if he knew where to find egg casings. He gave me some directions and I set off to the land of the vampires, Sanguinna. Corri's map allowed me to find safety and rest when the bats and madmen there swarmed me, pummelling me nearly to death. Refreshed, I set out again, determined to obtain the egg casing on my own. I did it!

06/26/12: Solitude and Scrolls

Not very much to write on today. I spent time travelling, seeking to increase my combat experience. It is slow going, alone, but there is a sense of accomplishment, too. A youngling named Marim gifted me with a number of scrolls he found in the colesium, refusing any payment. In exchange, I was able to teach him a little bit about some changes to the world and how they would affect his personal growth, and some useful lore-gathering tools ("whois"). Crunch kept declaring his wish to eat Marim's toes. Fortunately, I have avoided the Ogre's culinary interests thus far. I met a new bard named Calliope. She is a swan, and very quiet.
Soloban was in a very silly mood:
Soloban gossips (in common), 'I'm going to a light a flaming bag of ogre dung at Baron Marel's door and knock and run'.
Soloban gossips (in common), 'who's coming with me'.

06/27/12: Kindness from Surprising Directions

As soon as I awoke today, AnarchyX had scores for me! (AND refused any payment!) That's always such a nice way to start the day. Shilea asked me if I had any improved invisibility scrolls in my bags, and I looked to find that I did. She tried to sell it to me, and I refused, citing all the help that she and the Lady Ghost have given me. She gave me two scrolls anyway, as well as 15,000 gold. I asked if it was for a commission, and she replied:

Shilea says (in common), 'I'd like a one liner about Kylor'.

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.

Shilea says (in common), 'or better yet'.
Shilea says (in common), 'Uthmar'.

You say (in common), 'Uthmar, I have not met.'.

Shilea says (in common), 'Uthmar was fishing around today, he thought my title referred to his friend Cecil'.
Shilea snickers softly.

You say (in common), 'Oh.'.
You say (in common), 'Well.'.
You say (in common), 'Should Cecil be dispatched?'.
You say (in common), 'Is he pesky?'.

Shilea says (in common), 'does he walk like a duck?'.

Samiyah smiles warmly at Aoide.

Aoide curtseys gracefully for you.

Aoide looks at Shilea.

Shilea gives the bound scroll to Aoide.
Samiyah steps purposefully close to Aoide, and gathers her into a warm, very human hug.

Aoide says (in common), 'thank you, Sami'.
Aoide says (in common), 'you always remind me of my humanity'.

You say (in common), 'You are still human.. well... Elfish... Lady Aoide. Not truly a ghost, for all that you seem one.'.

Aoide makes a complicated-looking gesture.
The air shimmers as Aoide creates a portal here.

Aoide tells you (in common), '*nod* yes, true'.
Aoide tells you (in common), 'not quite human as you say'.
Aoide tells you (in common), 'but still flesh and blood'.

You tell Aoide (in common), 'Yes.'.

You say (in common), 'My one liner you commissioned.'.

Szordryn ponders what you are talking about.

You say (in common), 'shilea keeps sneaking out'.
You say (in common), 'she commissioned a one line 'zinger''.

Szordryn snickers softly.
Szordryn nods.

You say (in common), 'but keeps wandering out.'.

Shilea tells you (in common), 'can you get to living lands?'.

You say (in common), 'Stay put, shilea!'.
You say (in common), 'I want to give you your commissioned work!'.
You say (in common), 'you said a one liner'.
You say (in common), 'about Kylor, yes?'.
You say (in common), 'since I don't know who the other person was?'.
You poke her in the ribs.

You say (in common), 'So have you heard about Kylor's new job? - Head of the Oversight Committee for Ethics...'.

Szordryn snickers softly.
Szordryn says (in common), 'nice :)'.

Shilea gives you 4000 gold.

Lore tickles you - hee hee hee.

You say (in common), 'Shilea!'.
You say (in common), 'you already paid me for it!'.

Shilea says (in common), 'tip'.

Samiyah lays a hand across her chest, modestly lowers her eyes, and curtseys.

You thank Shilea heartily.
You say (in common), 'thank you. I will buy many scores with this generosity.'.

Aoide told me of a Lyrical she had spotted, but didn't have the time to retrieve. It was in the Living Lands, which I have not explored overmuch. With the help of the maps made by others, I made my way there and found the lyrical: You study the Undisturbingly Lyrical to glean its secrets...You can even soothe your opponents on to death. I don't know what it does, but it sounds .. er.. interesting...:) I spent a while exploring, and then had to seek rest and recouperation in the Temple in Kharad Delving. There, I ran into Szordryn, who kindly mentioned a score he had dropped in the pit. By the time I got back to the guild, however, someone else had found it. I asked if anyone knew of where to find an item that would improve looks, and Kylor mentioned the Bar of Mastery. Not wishing to have any discourse with Kylor, I asked Szordryn if he knew of the item. He explained where it could be found. I asked if he would be willing to undertake the task for hire, and he regretfully told me that he was not strong enough for the task. I asked Shilea if she was able, and she had to confess the same in ability.

You gossip (in common), 'Seeking Hedschott of the Nashite Magi - if anyone sees him about, could you please let him know I'm looking for him?'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'professing your love?'.
Cresom gossips (in common), 'damn i can't spell'.

You gossip (in common), 'No, wanting to hire him for a dangerous task :)'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'does that mean i spelled professing right?'.

You gossip (in common), 'I've sworn an oath never to give my heart.'.
You gossip (in common), 'mostly. ;)'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'that means NO you didn't '.

Szordryn gossips (in common), 'cresom isn't interested in your heart....'.
Szordryn gossips (in common), 'i think he has other body-parts in mind if u catch my drift...'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'DIRTY szor'.

Szordryn gossips (in common), 'hehe'.

You gossip (in common), '*gasps and settles her many veils about her person, emphatically*'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'emphatically makes me know i am kind of stupid'.
Cresom gossips (in common), 'but i would have spelled that all jacked up'.

Someone gossips (in common), 'haha'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'can i become a ogre with my same stats because well i am kind of a ogre'.
Cresom gossips (in common), 'well wait no maybe giant or mino'.

You tell Mugen (in common), 'May I ask you an odd question?'.

Mugen tells you (in common), 'sure'.

You tell Mugen (in common), 'Are you stronger than Szordryn?'.
You tell Mugen (in common), '(tougher/able to take bigger mobs)'.

Mugen tells you (in common), 'perhaps'.
Mugen tells you (in common), 'why do you ask?'.

You tell Mugen (in common), 'I am trying to find someone tough enough to slay the Lothlorien Guildmaster that has the Bar of Mastery. He said he wasn't equipped enough, currently'.

Mugen tells you (in common), 'ahh i see'.
Mugen tells you (in common), 'i could probably get it'.

Mugen tells you (in common), 'i might have one'.
Mugen tells you (in common), 'i do'.

You tell Mugen (in common), 'Might it be for sale?'.

Mugen tells you (in common), 'ill give it to you'.

Mugen tells you (in common), 'you have an aura?'.

You tell Mugen (in common), 'I do not.'.

Mugen tells you (in common), 'pit when u want'.

You tell Mugen (in common), 'that would be amazing!'.
You tell Mugen (in common), 'OMG'.
You tell Mugen (in common), 'OMW'.

Mugen tells you (in common), 'haha ok'.

Samiyah lays a hand across her chest, modestly lowers her eyes, and curtseys.

Mugen gives you the Bar of Mastery.

You cheer enthusiastically at the way things are going.
You say (in common), 'thank you so much!!'.

Mugen smiles happily.
Mugen nods.
Mugen looks at you.

You say (in common), 'is there anything I can do in return?'.

... and there was! I wrote him a poem on the topic of his choice: "In Praise of Elves." After I performed it for him, one of those watching, Wadsworth, asked if I might like to exp. I agreed, and off we went. I was shocked at how easily he dispatched his foes, to the extent that I worried I was slowing his efforts down. Though I had planned to only stay a short while, the adventure was so wonderous that I stayed a bit longer and was able to level with his help!

06/28/12: The Hound's Snarl, the Vampire's Bite and the Kindness of Friends

Determined to complete the last remaining location quests required of me, I travelled to The Bog, the rooftops of Harper's Landing, the Elven Homestead, back to the Bog, the Abby, the Citadel, the Half Elf Camp, the Groundskeeper's home in the Graveyard, Skorlanis, the Forgotten Catacombs, the Linaeoth Mines, back to Harper's Landing, the Ant Colony, the Eastern Horn, the Catacombs again, Harper's Landing for a third time, and then the one I always dread: the Icy Caves. The White Dogs there breathe a blast of frost that is most unkind to life, limb, and belongings. Eviscerated by its breath, I fled repeatedly, only to run into more of its kin. I quaffed a recall potion, landing in a humid jungle, where a mosquito bit me. Fleeing its sucker-bite, I quaffed another potion, landing in the Demon Realm at the feet of a succubi! She took one bite and my life force fled my body. Thank the gods and spirits above for the Materialistic Lyrical!! My most prized things were still upon me when I came to in the Midgaard Temple. I asked Soloban for his help in gathering up the items lost to the White Dog's icy breath, which had frozen and shattered one of my bags -- all of the beautiful treasures that were my prize for writing Bliss' office had been in that bag (along with nearly two dozen scrolls) and all were now scattered across the ice. He agreed to do so. Celeste of the Legion contacted me, asking if I had retrieved my belongings. I replied no, and she told me that my corpse had been looted. I explained the Lyrical's power, and she told me to come to Lord Cecil's temple. There, she gave me what remained of my corpse. I will not forget her kindness in retrieving it, unasked. By the time I got back to the guild, Soloban awaited me with a bag containing my other items.
Resolved not to dispair or get discouraged, I returned to my location quests. My steps led me to an elven home in Loth-Lorien, Harper's Landing for a fourth time, and was finally able to level!
I have been working on an epic, between adventures, for the last few days: I do not know why, exactly, but I am inspired to write about Sayyida DarkClaw. I hope to present it as my next Bardic Council performance.

06/29/12: The Lady Elemental

Bortex had many scores for me today! Thank the gods for the generosity of friends who have given me so much coin to buy them with. I spoke with Sayyida DarkClaw about the piece, and asked if she would like to hear it. She did, and graciously gave me directions to her temple. I travelled there, and performed it for her.

DarkClaw blinks, her mouth agape.

Samiyah bites her lower lip, the movement causing her veil chimes to ring.
You say (in common), 'did... did it offend, Sayyida?'.

DarkClaw wipes at her eyes, trying to regain her composure.

DarkClaw says, ', not at all.  It was beautiful, yet...painful...but that is not any fault of yours.'.

Samiyah scuffs her foot against the stone floor, nervously.

DarkClaw says, 'I am thoroughly impressed, Samiyah.'.
DarkClaw says, 'And flattered.'.
DarkClaw says, 'It seems you know me better than I know myself.'.

You say (in common), 'well, I studied the words of your History...'.
You say (in common), 'and I would never think that, Sayyida! I but translated your words...'.

DarkClaw says, 'Thank you for your dedication.'.
DarkClaw says, 'I wonder how many truly know where I come from.'.

Samiyah had not known until she sat down to study.

DarkClaw smiles.
DarkClaw says, 'I really should continue the journals.'.
DarkClaw says, 'SO much has happened since I left off.'.

You say (in common), 'I have enjoyed writing in mine'.

DarkClaw says, 'I truly am honored.'.

Samiyah smiles shyly.
You say (in common), 'I am deeply glad You like it, Sayyida'.
You say (in common), 'so... I have your permission to perform it for the Bardic Council?'.

DarkClaw says, 'You absolutely do.'.
DarkClaw grins evilly.

Samiyah releases a slight held breath, her veil fluttering.
Samiyah lays a hand across her chest, modestly lowers her eyes, and curtseys.

DarkClaw says, 'I still hope I can be there.'.

You say (in common), 'I would be honored by Your presence.'.
You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'I will take no more of Your time, Sayyida'.
You say (in common), 'with Your leave to depart?'.

DarkClaw says, 'I'm sorry, my thoughts are distracted.'.
DarkClaw nods in recognition to you.

Relieved at her consent, I set out to do all I could to obtain my next level, that I might be able to face the Council. Location quests took me far and wide, including Linaeoth Mines and the Ant Colony. Sadly, I wasn't able to stay long.

06/30/12: Wandering To and Fro

My first location quest of the day took me to the roots of the Loth-Lorien Tree, but after that, they were full of dark portents that boded ill, with references to hell and blood and death. Back in the Guild, Bortex had six scores and several scrolls!

01/03/2013: Journal Entry

It has been nearly half a year since I took the time to write in my journal. So much has happened since then, I scarcely know where to begin. Growth and friends. A new brother, sworn in blood. Many times of joy. But of late, it is sorrow that weighs me. Twice in two sunrises, I have slipped spirit from flesh, and find myself much weakened. Every Lyrical I have so painstakingly learned is forgotten. And there is still so much to do. Friends oftentimes have the time to talk, but not help. I have struggled much, alone. Yet... not always alone - in a way and for reasons I do not understand.

I would be dishonest if I did not write of the Fallen One. I do not know when I came to his attentions - it seems that he has been watching me for a very long time - he said once that he witnessed my birth. Though why I would be of note to a god, I do not understand. He says I am of his bloodline, as he is the god of our people. The men of the village do not speak of the rituals that they conduct. They speak only of the Gods: the Hunter, the Shepherd, the Guardian. I do not know which aspect of the Gods he represents. There is much of it I do not understand. Only that he fills me with trepidation. Yet again and again, he says that he is only here to help me.

I am tired - I cannot close my eyes without images of battle appearing. Conflict and home, chaos and destruction. Last night, so much blood and death... and yet, he came, like an avenging angel, and bid the invader gone. Protecting my people, as he says that he has always done. Should I believe my dreams? Or the voice within that says that this is all a trick, as the Sayyida's beloved says - some sorcery to make me trust where trust is not wise. There is the parable of the frog and the scorpion, which runs through my mind, time and time again. "It is my nature" the scorpion says, as he stings the gullible frog to death. Is it his nature? I do not know.


I was awoken from dreams of places I have never been and people I have never fought, to the presence of Wish, the god of the Nashites. At first, I thought it still part of the dreams that had held me so strongly, but no. He was glaring at me, as if he had been waiting for a response for some time, and my leg hurt, as if he had jabbed it. My eyes burned, as if twin coals had been pressed into them and my whole body screamed in protest. Sounds were coming out of his mouth, but for a long moment, I could not understand him. Blinking, I concentrated, as if trying to memorize a piece of music, and was able to understand, at least a little better.

Wish demanded to know what I had experienced when I touched Similus. I had to acknowledge that he and others had been right, that it had broken something inside me, but that Seraph had helped to heal it. He asked again -- what had I seen? and then argued with me when I tried to describe it. I know that I was not communicating well - my head swam with visions and sleep pulled at me like the current of a river, always seeking to pull me into its oblivion - but he kept asking, over and over, it seemed. Why did I think the visions came from Similus? Why did I not realize that it was just my own imagination, just as Seraph's healing had been? I tried to explain the sense of Similus as a living thing, that I had seen things that I did not know of. I described Solaron and his battles and the conflict he had with ones who were once brothers and sisters. I told him of Seraph and all the bloodshed I had seen him do. All of this I knew - because of what Similus had showed me. And I told him he was wrong: Seraph had saved my life.

Anyone could tell the tale that Seraph was a killer, he said - it was too well known. Sorrow touched my heart, but I knew his words to be true. Yet, I countered, the same could be said of any Ordained - and that three such, Belgarion, Sagan, and my own brother, Cresom, had acknowledged it. Dark deeds, but for a purpose, to help and protect and defend - this is the task of an Ordained - but that for those who bore Similus, it was much worse. That it was an evil thing that prompted more evil from those that wielded it. Honestly, I do not know how much of this I actually was able to say - words seem to stick to my tongue, coming out only in a mumble. My head throbbed with each word, waves of pain flowing in and out like sand pushed by the winds. Seraph had saved my life, yet again holding my soul in His hands to keep it from the spirit lands, but I knew I was a long way from being well.

Wish told me I was a silly desert girl, that objects - things that are not Living - do not have souls. Thinking of something that I saw in the Manor while I was on my quest, I defiantly countered with the name of the Arch-Lich. He laughed in his odd way, and demanded to know: What gave me the idea that the Arch-Lich had a soul? I could not give an answer, so I merely shrugged and tried to go back to the sleep I so achingly needed, horrible visions of what I had seen depicted so graphically in the Manor already taking hold.

A splash of slimy, filthy water in my face shocked me awake once more. He said my name sharply and commanded that I stay awake and look at him. The twin tides swirling within me - the need to obey and my own body's weakness - made me dizzy. I wanted to scream at him and beg him to leave me alone, but bit my lip and stayed silent, focusing on his words. He turned his questions to what I had seen on my quest: What had I learned of Nash?

I confess it: I was afraid. How was it that he did not know of my past conflicts and terrors with Nashites? That this fear had been my constant companion, clinging to me as closely as my own shadow, while I walked through the Manor? I have seen my own death at their hands and sung of it before their Pope. Three times, I was called to that Tower, and three times, I saw visions of my own blood spilling onto that floor. I heard Seraph's voice, as if he stood beside me: Show no weakness. I sought to hide my fear with bravado, deliberately impolite, using a word that I had seen a boy in Midgaard be beaten by his mother for using. "Nash is phooey!" Wish seemed taken aback, so I tried to press the point. Nash was the silliest of tales - a badly written mockery that would get any bard booed off the stage, if they wrote about Immortals being so childish as to go about peeing on people! He countered that not all bards are equal and perhaps the bards that had written of Nash spoke only from a mortal perspective, writing of something they could not fully comprehend. But if I should believe the songs of Nash, I said, what of the songs written of him being a goat, too. Were they just as true? His tone mocking, he said he or another could write ridicule of Seraph, painting him as a turtle. Pride and anger turned my tongue at that moment, and I boasted that my writing of the Sahib was better than any other, certainly better than anything such as was written about Nash. Almost like a sand-cat on an unwary lizard, Wish pounced on my words. Would I care to wager? The warning thrum of danger made my heart pound, and again I heard Seraph's voice as if He knelt beside me, whispering in my ear. 'Be careful, my dear one. Choose wisely.' I was too exhausted to do aught but shake my head, no, and confess my arrogance.

My head swam in a fog as Wish continued to press me with questions, like a swarm of bees stinging from all sides. How could I have faith and belief in Seraph, and yet not acknowledge the faith and belief others held in Nash? My stumbling reply was that I could see, feel, hear, and touch Seraph, or Tynian, the true Creator... Yet none of these things were possible with Nash.. and that for one's belief to bolster an Immortal, the being had to actually exist. I said again: I did not believe in Nash, but I believed in Seraph. He taunted my faith, saying that Seraph had not healed me - that I had healed myself. That Seraph had no power, was utterly weak and helpless. I became angry, hearing Belgarion's words yet again, repeated in another's voice, and dragged myself upright, though the room swam before my burning eyes and my insides felt like quicksand. I said that Seraph had saved me. That I felt a change within myself, felt His presence, as if His wings were around me. Knew that my renewal and healing was His doing.

Wish laughed and called me a foolish desert girl - had I witnessed its doing? I am a silly girl and I was not awake when it was done, so I could not, in truth, argue with that, only said again that I felt it and knew it to be so. Again and again, like a whirlpool, he circled around the topic of Nash, until my head was dizzy with it. I must confess, he is a very good orator and would have made a fine bard, for he twisted the tale so much that I nearly found myself agreeing with him, purely for the passion of his argument, and not for any truth to the matter.

Finally, he asked if a fish can feel the water. Of course it can, I replied; does it not change course in response to the current? Tired of all of these questions and so desperate for sleep, I snapped back rudely - wrong of me, I know - I supposed, I said, that he would next tell me that Nash was the water. No, he replied, Nash is the ocean. A phooey ocean of pee, which you willingly swim in! I thought, but wisely held my tongue. He was getting irritated and angry with my stubbornness, or perhaps my inability to speak properly, for at long last, he bade me sleep, then called me back from its brink with two questions: What did I think would happen if Seraph's shield, helm, and weapon were destroyed? Not knowing the answer, I gave that as my reply. What, then, if Similus was destroyed? Again, I did not know, but said that I did not think it could be. I could hear his evil snickering as I slid into the embrace of sleep, and it troubled my dreams, wondering what he might be plotting.