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The Wyld: One of three aspects of the Triat. Chaos and destruction are the goal of the Wyld. Forcible change, like the power of a cyclone, Wyldlings alter everything around them - including themselves. They are very changeable and prone to unpredictability.

Triat Mastery Quests:

Most tasks for the Wyld involve locating and defeating challenging creatures selected specifically to provide challenge to the class/level of the Initiate. Some examples have included:

  • Tranquility's task to slay 30 demons (including 3 demon lords) and 3 dragons, Grandma Schon, sufficient mobs while grouped to assist 3 allies to an Ascension, the Sea Devil, and every mob within the Jester's Keep
  • Solaron's challenge to group and slay every mob on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor of the Master's Tower and three mobs from the 4th floor, along with the Rebirth of one named Anathema
  • Kaldred slew the Balrog of the Master's Tower, the Dreammaster of the Dream Realm, and the Jester of Jester's Keep
  • Adso was allowed the aid of one member of the Chosen of Fate for one of his tasks, the aid of one friend for the other, and for his third task, no aid at all - and his was to slay three dragons, 3 mobs with 'weaver' in the name, and three creatures of evil alignment that considered as Death.
  • Katrana's challenge not only included challenges in battle - including the Spider Statute of Velalisier, the Evil One of Altibia and a dragon of the Dragon's Tower - but the deliberate dance to the death of a creature of Cordir's choosing, which was only revealed at the time of the combat: Scar, the pet of Madman, who was the ancient barrier would-be Immortals had to face before promotion to Ambassador.

Mortal Incarnations:

  • Huey of the Ebon Hand: Huey attempted Triat Mastery, but was unable to suppress his blood lust long enough to complete the Trial.
  • Seeker and Dredd: While not members of the Ebon Hand, Master Thaygar acknowledged Seeker and Dredd as being true Incarna of the Wyld for their skill at granting Rebirth.
  • Syrinx of the Court of Justice: Master Thaygar acknowledged Syrinx bore the spirit of the Wyld within him, in a poem called Pride and Prejudice.
  • Polnevdra of the Silver Fellowship: With Thaygar's blessing, Polnevdra was going to Immort and serve as the primary incarnation of the Wyld, along with Cordir as Weaver. She is the author of the Mortainos, a work referenced in the ebon flames in Cordir's temple. Polnevdra was referenced in the ritual, "The Binding of the Tainted" among others.
  • Lanfear of the Chosen of Fate: Lanfear was the first member of the Chosen to be specifically Ordained as Wyld's representative. She is listed in the temple of Katrana as being acknowledged as a Wyldling.
  • Gregar T'Sarran: Another who undertook Mastery and failed, Gregar T'Sarran was released from the Chosen of Fate for his Wyld inability to obey the rules. He found another home in the Tigers, then later returned to Fate.
  • Europe of the Ebon Hand: Europe is listed in the temple of Katrana as being acknowledged Wyld.
  • ZARA of the Black Conclave: ZARA was acknowledged Wyld by Thaygar, and is also listed in the temple of Katrana as being acknowledged Wyld.
  • Ink of the Wyld Hunt: The Swarf is listed in the temple of Katrana as being acknowledged as a Wyldling.
  • Sylarn of the Wyld Hunt: Sylarn is listed in the temple of Katrana as being acknowledged as a Wyldling.
  • Pestis of the Ebon Hand: Pestis was named Wyld by Thaygar. She sought and obtained Triat Mastery. Named appropriately, Pestis spread Plague wherever she could.
  • Ivan Thidobeau of the Ebon Hand: Ivan and Europe often hunted together with terrifying success.

Immortal Incarnations:

  • Lorna (as a Lesser Goddess): After Thaygar's promotion to God+ and eventual retirement, Lorna stated that she had his authority to handle Triat business. A year later, Thaygar acknowledged to Typhon and Cordir that it had simply been giving Wyld's more chaotic and destructive elements a voice.
  • Malkav, Ambassador: Malkav was a member of the Ebon Hand - a level 30 shaman who immorted. He was best known for his poem, "Why Do I Kill?" He did not reach Demigod rank, and ever created a following.
  • Solaron, Demigod: (Mortal:Chosen of Fate & Wyld Hunt) Solaron is listed in the temple of Katrana as being acknowledged as a Wyldling.
  • Artanis, Demigod: Artanis is listed in the temple of Katrana as being acknowledged as a Wyldling.
  • Katrana, Wyldess, Demigoddess of the Wyld Hunt. Her favored ceremony to praise the Wyld was when she was a mere mortal: The Night of Wyld Praise